What's New

What's New is a quick reference location to find out about current news, upcoming programs, projects and exciting opportunities. Most of the announcements relate to What's New at A System that WorksSM and Antoinette Webster, President and Founder. Though occasionally you'll find other announcements that are of interest and value in your personal and professional life.

Book Update

I am pleased to say the Enthusiasm! How To Draw it To Yourself And Keep ItSM book is here! Yes the book is complete and now available in print and eBook formats. My thanks to all who have supported me in this process. And what a process it has been. Even though I have been facilitating programs on, researching and writing about enthusiasm since 1990, many new insights and opportunities have presented themselves with the writing and publishing of this book. Click on the link below to review a sample of the book.

Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep It

Also be sure to check out the most recent edition to our enthusiasm series: Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm!

Take a moment to order your copy now. By the way, these books make great gifts.

Currently in the works are:

We look forward to sharing more about enthusiasm with you through books (print and eBook version), booklets, e-courses, action groups and our various programs (see below). There is so much more to this thing called enthusiasm that touches all areas of our personal and professional lives. It is a pleasure and a privilege to bring them to you.

Antoinette Webster, M.E!, MBA
Author, Speaker, Facilitator and Life/Balance/Spirit Coach +

Upcoming Programs

Following is a partial listing of various programs offered over the next few months.

On-going: Focused Coaching Sessions
On-going: Keynotes, Seminars and workshops

(c) 2009, A System that WorksSM