
Following is a list of programs offered by A System that WorksSM. These high-content, interactive programs are available for

Essential Skills for Success SM Enthusiasm! Train-the-Trainer Other Relevant Services

Additional skill areas relevant to professional speaking and training include: revising and upgrading clients' existing training programs; developing and editing workbooks/resource guides, manuals and training aids; facilitating "outside" programs; and coaching.

About the Facilitator

Antoinette S. Webster, M.E!, MBA, is a renaissance soul that has the gift of blending her work and life experiences to connect with a wide variety of people and organizations in powerful ways. As a dynamic, practical Professional Speaker, Facilitator, Life/Balance/Spirit Coach+ and Author, Antoinette works with individuals and groups in moving through the barriers to and aligning with achieving desired results.

Her dynamic, interactive programs provide practical insights, which spark you to find answers to the questions and solutions to the challenges of today's fast-paced, ever changing world. She instills enthusiasm and excitement in audiences and clients alike. Her wit and wisdom engage audiences on many levels.

Antoinette is the author of Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep It and Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm! Discovering what to do when your get up and go got up and went. She is a Master Enthusiast! who has been facilitating programs, researching and writing about enthusiasm since 1990.

Also, Antoinette is a certified Achieve Global/Zenger Miller facilitator and Inscape Publishing Authorized Distributor. She was on the adjunct faculty for Northern Kentucky University for four years and taught the Designing and Managing Organizational Training (a train-the-trainer course).

© 2008 A System that WorksSM
640 Foster Ave. * Hamilton, OH 45015 * 513.887.0600